Sunday, May 28, 2006

Another gem...

This past weekend has truly been another unexpected gem during my stay here in Costa Rica. A friend of mine, Martha, gave me an invitation to go with her and some friends to some waterfalls nearby at a town called Grecia here in Costa Rica. I never pass up an invitation to see the country with people who are from here. What a great trip it ended up being. We were a group of ten and had a blast walking to various waterfalls and swimming in different rivers. This place was unlike any other I have seen. It is a little Costa Rican secret that has not yet been invaded by tourism. Two of my friends, Alicia and Gregory also came with me. Both from France, they claimed that this was their best moment thus far, not bad given the fact they have been here for almost a month. I really can’t stress it enough, the highlights of traveling are not in going to tourist spots, but in getting to know the people and having a positive exchange of cultures and ideas with them. Everyone is always so kind to me, and they always continue to remind me why I decided to move here.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

What a Match!

I have to admit that the moments I love must being here in Costa Rica are not those spent at the beaches or at beautiful resorts. The moments I enjoy most are those in which I feel I am seeing or participating in something very few get to experience. I love getting the chance to go with locals and do the things they enjoy doing. A student of mine invited me to go with her and watch a soccer game at her university. Andrea is an Engineer student there, and explained to me that her faculty had a match against the law faculty, which is the biggest rivalry in the University of Costa Rica. This University holds 30 000 students, so it is quite large. This yearly tradition brings out the wild side in the students, as they bring eggs and fruits to throw at each other during the game. It is a non stop barrage of things flying around as you spend as much time finding cover as you do watching the game. It truly was an incredible experience, and I am already looking forward to next year’s match.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Farewell Dave

Me, David, Steph and her brother had our last trip together a few weeks ago. Unfortunately he had to go back earlier then planned, but we sure did have a great time together. Our last trip was to their favorite location, the beach. The highlight of the trip was without a doubt going Sportsfishing and being joined by about 40 dolphins. My picture is not the greatest, but I have a video that is simply unreal. I also added another cool photo of me and a friend. Can you spot him in the picture???

Another Classic Adventure in the Books

Overall I would rank this trip among the best I’ve done so far. So many stories in such a short time. That is what Costa Rica can offer. Dave and Drago only came down for one week, yet we had enough time to do so many different things. Both vow to return as soon as they can, so beware anyone who is thinking about coming here, you just may get addicted.

Big Pimping

We decided to travel to Guanacaste to have a taste of the most beautiful beaches in Costa Rica. Unfortunately we decided to travel during Holy week in Costa Rica, which means we were unable to find a hotel, absolutely everything was sold out. Anyone who knows me also knows that everything always works out for me, and we ran into someone who knew a multimillionaire who happens to be Canadian. {He has some rooms for friends and family at his mansion, and maybe he could let you stay there{. Sure enough, we ended up at the mansion on the hill and got to taste what it is like to truly be the king of the hill. This place overlooks the entire region and Bill, the owner, just chilled with us all night as we sipped beers watching the sunset. What a life. The only bad part of the region is the condition of the roads. On the way out we claimed that we could get back home faster if we ran, and Drago was kind enough to put our claim to the test. And we were right, he outpasted the car!!!

An Ode to the Waterfall

The reason why a place like La Paz Resort even exists is because it is located near five unbelievable waterfalls. They truly are the type of wonders that make you realize there has to be a creator. Such beauty could not happen just by chance. What is nice is that the resort has integrated the path without really disturbing the nature. Many people consider this site to be the most beautiful in Costa Rica. It is just unfortunate that it belongs to a private company.

La Paz

I had the pleasure of welcoming my good friend David Shoppoff to Costa Rica a month ago. We have been friends for as long as I can remember, but even in our childhood friendship I’m sure we never thought that we would go on such an adventure during our lives. And to add to the excitement, Drago decided to come along to form a very dangerous trio. We started our trip at the most pimping pad of all Costa Rica. They both wanted to live like superstars and I figured what better place than La Paz waterfalls. This is a resort that you have to see for yourself to believe. Every pad has two waterfalls in the bathroom, one that is your shower and the other that is for decoration. Drago has been searching for the world’s greatest bathroom, and he claimed this one to be it. Seriously. To add to it, each pad has it’s own balcony facing the jungle with a private hot tub. I added pictures of some of the pools available because I just don’t know how to describe the beauty. To add to the amenities, we could even go fishing in a pool to catch our dinner. It only occurred to me and Drago later what we looked like fishing together in our bathrobes, but oh well, what you gonna do? This is also the place I met one of my good friends, M. Frog. At the time it seemed like a great idea to hang out with him, but the next day I fell violently ill, shivering in the 35 degree heat driving to the beach. Maybe Dave was right about the fact that I should not touch the frogs.