Friday, October 13, 2006

Our Romantic Getaway

For my birthday Georgia decided to take me out to her family’s camp on the Pacific ocean. This was an amazing experience as it gave me a taste of what the country must have been like 50 years ago. Because of the rough waters, no tourists come here, which means total tranquility and solitude with Mother Nature. Her camp reminded me of a typical northern Ontario camp. Nothing fancy, but very cozy. We would lie down at night and listen to the ocean waves crashing down. It’s moments like these ones that remind me why I made the big move a year and a half ago. If you appreciate romance then this is definitely the place for you! And what did we do when the romance wasn’t a blaze? My family will find it hard to believe… we played cards. Lots and lots of cards! She even managed to beat me at 500, on only her forth try!!! She’s quite the talent I tell you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Patrick!
Sounds like everything is going really well with you! This morning I shovelled a foot of snow from my driveway, which makes all of your pictures look that much nicer!
Aside from being cold, we're all doing great! Byron is growing and learning exciting new things every day, while Chad and I couldn't be happier to be the ones to show the way.
Take care of yourself and that pretty lady of yours!
Live, love, laugh..

5:18 PM  

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