Tuesday, May 16, 2006

What a Match!

I have to admit that the moments I love must being here in Costa Rica are not those spent at the beaches or at beautiful resorts. The moments I enjoy most are those in which I feel I am seeing or participating in something very few get to experience. I love getting the chance to go with locals and do the things they enjoy doing. A student of mine invited me to go with her and watch a soccer game at her university. Andrea is an Engineer student there, and explained to me that her faculty had a match against the law faculty, which is the biggest rivalry in the University of Costa Rica. This University holds 30 000 students, so it is quite large. This yearly tradition brings out the wild side in the students, as they bring eggs and fruits to throw at each other during the game. It is a non stop barrage of things flying around as you spend as much time finding cover as you do watching the game. It truly was an incredible experience, and I am already looking forward to next year’s match.


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