Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Big Pimping

We decided to travel to Guanacaste to have a taste of the most beautiful beaches in Costa Rica. Unfortunately we decided to travel during Holy week in Costa Rica, which means we were unable to find a hotel, absolutely everything was sold out. Anyone who knows me also knows that everything always works out for me, and we ran into someone who knew a multimillionaire who happens to be Canadian. {He has some rooms for friends and family at his mansion, and maybe he could let you stay there{. Sure enough, we ended up at the mansion on the hill and got to taste what it is like to truly be the king of the hill. This place overlooks the entire region and Bill, the owner, just chilled with us all night as we sipped beers watching the sunset. What a life. The only bad part of the region is the condition of the roads. On the way out we claimed that we could get back home faster if we ran, and Drago was kind enough to put our claim to the test. And we were right, he outpasted the car!!!


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