Friday, October 13, 2006

Our Romantic Getaway

For my birthday Georgia decided to take me out to her family’s camp on the Pacific ocean. This was an amazing experience as it gave me a taste of what the country must have been like 50 years ago. Because of the rough waters, no tourists come here, which means total tranquility and solitude with Mother Nature. Her camp reminded me of a typical northern Ontario camp. Nothing fancy, but very cozy. We would lie down at night and listen to the ocean waves crashing down. It’s moments like these ones that remind me why I made the big move a year and a half ago. If you appreciate romance then this is definitely the place for you! And what did we do when the romance wasn’t a blaze? My family will find it hard to believe… we played cards. Lots and lots of cards! She even managed to beat me at 500, on only her forth try!!! She’s quite the talent I tell you.

Happy Birthday To Me

I had the joy of spending my birthday with some classmates of mine and my wonderful girlfriend Georgia. Everyone has been dying to see a picture and since we live half way across the world this is the only way fro everyone to meet the new special someone in my life. We met through a friend, Mauren, yes the same name that keeps coming up in my blogs. Of course, like many others of her kind she fell hopelessly in love with me within the first moments, but then something different happened, she seemed to have the same effect on me! So there we were, fate obviously brought us together and we have been having a blast ever since. She’s amazing cause she comes ever and does my laundry and cooks me food, it great! I’m just kidding of course, trying to get everyone to jump off their feet, like the good old days. Actually, she is super busy, just like me, as she is presently working two jobs to save up to buy her house. She knows what she wants and she’s not afraid to do what it takes to get it, and that is definitely a value I appreciate a lot.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Staff Party

My school, Intercultura, organizes a get together at an all-inclusive resort once a year for their entire staff, both Spanish and English. This year we went to Fiesta all-inclusive and got silly. Intercultura trulky is an original school. Mornings and afternoons are reserved for tourists that come to learn Spanish. Starting at 4 the school transforms into an English school. I teach eight different classes averaging about eight students a class. The majority of the English teachers are Americans, which makes for interesting conversation. All are anti-Bush, which did not surprise me considering they already had an open mind to leave the States and see something different. I do notice a difference however, in how Americans are received over here compared to people from other countries. The most open feelings come out of course when there are no Americans in the room. I personally don’t see much difference between this staff compared to any staff I have worked with back home, so I don’t fully understand the statements made by others that there are huge differences between us and them.


In coming back to Costa Rica I got the chance to go to a one of kind party thanks to my great friend Mauren. She is the same friend who took me and my sister all around the country last December. She organized a party for David, her boyfriend who had just made the big move to Costa Rica. One of the things I like most about Costa Rica is the fact that they don’t need large groups to have a good party. The highlight was definitely when a traditional band showed up and invaded the party with incredible tribal beats and intense dance. The whole party went off and everyone just went out of control. It was only for 45 minutes, but I will say other than my clubbing experiences, this was my best party moment.

The Lucky Brother

Definitely one of the highlights of my trip was getting the chance to spend some time with Roxanne. I love the fact that we have so much in common. I got to teach her how to play golf, played some pool, went bowling, and even got her into a few bars, although not the greatest bars. Roxy, I’m so proud of the person you are becoming and I wish you the best of luck in Ottawa.