Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hometown Friends

My first trip back to Thunder Bay was definitely one to remember. It was amazing to reconnect with everyone back home. I was especially happy to see that everyone was doing well and that basically no one had really changed. Thunder Bay is such a chill place, and it really is great to get back there to enjoy the slow moving pace. I truly feel as though my hometown is a big reason why I am the way that I am. It allowed me to develop incredible lifelong friendships that you don’t see to often from larger cities. Although going out to the bar is still a popular activity, I find people in Thunder Bay tend to go out and do other things more often then people in big cities. Everyone lives close enough to go out for a cup of coffee if that is what they feel like doing. It was great getting my butt kicked over and over again in golf with you Patrick, Kristin, it was amazing to go back to our roots and visit the grounds where our

God Bless Family!

If I have learned one thing from being so far from home is that your family’s love for you will never fade away with great distances separating you from them. The thing with family is that there is no readjusting period with them. You automatically go back to where you were when you left them. It was so nice to see everyone and it was especially nice to go on a road trip with my maman and visit different people as we drove halfway across the country. I got to see Josee for a brief breakfast and we continued down the road so I could have a delicious bowl of Lipton soup at my godparent’s. We arrived in Thunder Bay just in time for my Aunt Jocelyn’s birthday party which ended up being a great party. One of the highlights was definitely the amazing fondue my maman made for me. The picture you see if of us going crazy for her chocolate fondue for desert. Other highlights were going to Luci’s for my first dinner invitation in three year’s and getting to Mel just before she was to welcome the newest member of our family.

Something to be thankful for

I know it has been a long time since I have updated my blog, and I am sorry for that, but I no longer had the program to change my files. But I am back at it and have lots of stories to share! I went to Canada this past July and had the chance to see many of those who I love. My highlight of course was getting the chance to see my grandparents from both sides of the family. I consider myself blessed to have had the opportunity to get to know all four of my grandparents. They are all very close to me and it was great seeing everyone again.